Friday, January 6, 2023

My Comics Reading List 2023

 1. SHELTER: EARLY DOORS by Lucy Sullivan

My first book of the year is the first installment of Lucy Sullivan's SHELTER series of "folk horror" stories. I like that the story and art are so dense, the art style and panel layout slow the story down for character development and speed up in the build up to the horror elements. Lucy Sullivan has complete control of the page and tells her story like no one else could. 

An example of the beautifully detailed set scenes interspersed throughout:

The first of many awards for SHELTER: EARLY DOORS, and news of availability of the book next month...


2. TRUJILLO by Gustaffo Vargas

The earliest (I believe) of Gustaffo Vargas's "Peruvian Cyberpunk" comics is packed with action, vibrant colors, great characters , and exploding drug mule guinea pigs! A great start.

3. LIMA by Gustaffo Vargas

More cyberpunk adventures, this time in the brilliantly realized future Lima, Peru. The urban setting sets this apart from TRUJILLO as does the gang of teenagers who come across a piece of biotech that leads them into danger. I love the sharp cuts between scenes that work to enhance the scenes of violence. 

4. MANU: ALTIPLANO VOLUME #1 by Gustaffo Vargas

The beginning of the ALTIPLANO epic introduces new character Sonia, and her partner Lila from LIMA and her friend Xolo from TRUJILLO. Lots of pieces are put into place, and Gustaffo Vargas shows himself to be quite adept at the quiet scenes as well.

5. PUNO: ALTIPLANO VOLUME #2 by Gustaffo Vargas

The drama and action amp up as some of the history between the events of TRUJILOL and MANY are revealed, which leads to the reasons the military are hunting the Limon symbiote. The scene with Lila assassinating the mafia boss (via anal sex, no less) is brilliantly staged and colored.

6. PILCUYO: ALTIPLANO VOLUME #3 by Gustaffo Vargas

No one does cybernetic battles like Gustaffo Vargas! The final showdown between the military and the Limon cyber creature is suitably brutal, relentless, and all-around astonishing. Like Lucy Sullivan above, Gustaffo has complete control of his narrative flow. My favorite part are the quiet interstitial flashbacks with Lila and Limon, they set this far apart from more generic military science fiction. The designs on the weaponized animals is so creative, love Gustaffo's wild imagination.

As for reading order, if you want to sample Gustaffo's work I would start with LIMA. If his "Peruvian Cyberpunk" is something that interests you, move onto the MANU/PUNO/PILCUYO trilogy which is basically a graphic novel. If you need more, go back and check on Xolo's origins in TRUJILLO.

7. SECRET RITES by Sammy Ward

Sammy Ward's ALL GHOSTS was such a unique project from last year, a Twitter prompt turned haunting, evocative art book. Backing the crowdfundr campaign I got the digital bundle that included this very nice full-length comic. SECRET RITES is a welcome focus on love, mother's love toward daughter, daughter's love for Hades, and Hades love for the daughter Persephone. I loved everything about this one (no pun intended).


The other three comics in the digital bundle were also enjoyable, kind of a bit of fantasy and horror.

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