Saturday, June 22, 2024

PHIL ELLIOTT MONTH: Happy Birthday, Phil Elliott (June 22, 1960- )

                                            A fun pre-pandemic facebook post


Thanks to everyone who has joined me in celebrating Phil's comics career ranging across six decades (so far, he's still a young chap), today we have an old-fashioned link post for further reading...

Phil Elliott's website

Aces Weekly Volume 33: Paul Duncan and Phil are reunited

Aces Weekly Volumes 1 and 4 feature shorts by Phil. order here

Zine Love celebrated Phil's birthday in 2020 with multiple posts

Joseph Simon feature-length interview with Phil at First Comics News

Morgan Spiceman interviews Phil on downthetubes

Tom Murphy reviews IN HIS CUPS: COLLECTED TALES FROM GIMBLEY at Broken Frontier

Phil Elliott entry on Lambiek Comiclopedia

A funny anecdote about Phil's original art from Bleeding Cool (If you can make it through all the clickbait)

Phil Elliott original art displayed on Comic Art Fans

Times New Keeferton blog shows off two pages of Phil Elliott original art

Phil Elliott books reviewed at The Slings & Arrows Graphic Novel Guide

Social Media: facebook twitter 

There is a lot of extra art and bonus information on these Kickstarter project pages:

ES*EF funded August 19, 2018 [Reuben Willmott]

RODNEY - THE PREMONITION funded March 3, 2019

THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE funded June 30, 2019

THE MAMMY funded September 26, 2019

CIRCUS DENIRO funded August 23, 2020

MALTY HEAVE 2 funded November 30, 2020 [Robert Wells]

THE SUTTONS funded February 21, 2021

STUFF funded June 22, 2021

STUFF - A BIT MORE funded April 14, 2022

STUFF 3 funded September 3, 2022

GAG funded December 27, 2022

GAG 2 funded July 13, 2023

POOL TALES funded November 18, 2023

THE MAN FROM ZODIAC funded June 6, 2024

Blast from the past 1:

Elliott cover

A gallery of 41 rare covers by Phil posted by Ed Pinsent (see above)! here

Ed Pinsent took over editing/publishing duties of the FAST FICTION anthology from Phil, a history and bibliography of the seminal series from the beginning can be found here.

Blast from the past 2:

Phil Elliott's Blodge blog on the Wayback Machine one two three four more captures

Elliott's current website, earlier versions (2002- ) on the Wayback Machine here

I don't know if direct links to work, if not go to the home page and type "phil elliott" into the Wayback Machine search box.

Blast from the Past 3:

I came across this ghost link that posts many of the Gimbley stories from the IN HIS CUPS collection. This seems to not be a part of Phil's current site.

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