Thursday, June 6, 2024

PHIL ELLIOTT MONTH: Comix Reading List #77-80: Second City 1-4

SECOND CITY #1, page 6
SECOND CITY #2, page 20
SECOND CITY #3, page 24
SECOND CITY #4, page 5

77-80. SECOND CITY #1-4 (Harrier) Kochcomics

This was the first graphic novel created by Phil Elliott, it came out in 1986 from Harrier. The series revolves around the Jack character and his relationship with the "City", author Paul Duncan puts him through the wringer in an almost post-modern disjointed narrative. I love the realistic renderings, impressionistic pages, and even geometric patterns all brought together by Elliott to form a wild narrative. Elliott's art is remarkably consistent while being experimental and keeping up with Duncan's unusual story. 

Cartoonist Michel Fiffe interviewed Paul Duncan and Phil Elliott in 2011 on their SECOND CITY collaboration. 

Slave Labor Graphics collected the series in 1994:

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