Thursday, June 20, 2024

PHIL ELLIOTT MONTH: Comix Reading List #86: Beyond Finity

86. BEYOND FINITY by Glenn Dakin/Phil Elliott (Phil Elliott)

The most interesting thing I've discovered about Phil Elliott in my reading this month is how much he's collaborated with other cartoonists over the years. We've covered all his comic strips written by Eddie Campbell for SOUNDS, now on to his work written by Glenn Dakin (Abe, Temptation).

Currently up for preorder after a successful kickstarter campaign is their longest collaboration, THE MAN FROM ZODIAC, but BEYOND FINITY collects their shorter works together over the years.
"Flatman" (STRIP #20, 1990) 

"Vulnerable" (TABOO #3)

"Anton Path in: Sea Head" (unknown)

"The Vicar of St. Voix" (GREENHOUSEWARRIORS #2)

"Extracts From Abe's Australian Diary" (unknown)

"Introspectre: Chapter One" (unknown)
(A different Introspectre story solely by Dakin appeared here)

Three of the final four stories are Elliott drawing Glenn Dakin characters. Except for the broad humor in "Flatman" and "Anton Path", these all have a rather subdued or vaguely sinister tone. I'm not quite sure Phil drawing Glenn's Abe characters is altogether successful, but everything else works great. The narrative experimentation of Dakin blends very well with Elliott's graphic sense.

This is a nice little print-on-demand glossy softcover book. It's about half the page count of the forthcoming MAN FROM ZODIAC book. None of the stories are attributed as to their earlier print appearances. Though that's not even a complaint as the contents work fine as a single unit divorced from their origins.

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