Thursday, March 23, 2023

My Comics Reading List #6

 My second round of Silver Sprocket reads borrowed from the Hoopla Digital app:

45. MAGICAL BEATDOWN VOLUME #1 by Jenn Woodall

Holy crap! This is fucking brutal.

46. GOLDEN RECORD by Rosemary Valero-O'Connell

47. RITUALS by Nicole Goux

The above two are basically art books, although both have their own kind of narrative tying the incredible images together.

48. FUNGIRL: VULVA VIKING by Elizabeth Pich

Pich is keeping the spirit of classic underground comix alive and well. If you aren't simultaneously disgusted and laughing, you aren't the audience for this book.

49. MONTANA DIARY by Whit Taylor

I've always wanted to try Whit Taylor's autobiographical comics, and I wasn't disappointed. Clear line art and a compelling, in a lofi way, storyline.

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