Thursday, December 1, 2022

Beyond the LCS: Phil Elliott New Kickstarter Today

I've been following Phil Elliott publications on Kickstarter for two years now, every once in a while with friends and collaborators like Mike Powell or Robert Wells.
His newest, GAG, Is with two folks well known to all discerning comics fans: Eddie Campbell and Glenn Dakin.
The original version of GAG was offered as a reward that was gone before I got on board. The cover is reproduced on the campaign page:
GAG was also a seven issue series from UK publisher Harrier. Cover images from GCD:

The new GAG is sixty pages of all new strips, and the sketch tier for Phil Elliott still has some slots open!
UPDATE 12/5: All the sketch tiers are sold out, and the project is nearly 200 percent funded!
According to John Freeman the Phil Elliott and Glenn Dakin strips are previously published.

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