Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Comix Reading List #33: Ted McKeever Library Book 1: Transit

33. TED McKEEVER LIBRARY BOOK 1: TRANSIT (Image Comics, OOP) Library
I've somehow never read any Ted Mckeever comics, this collects his first series from Canadian publisher Vortex in 1987. 
       promotional art for the original run

The storytelling in the early going is a little bumpy and two of the main characters look similar in the beginning. However, if you stick with the whole series you'll see Mckeever is working into a very unique style of writing and drawing comics. Wildly exaggerated character design and a genre-bending story make for a great start to a highly individual comics career. I definitely want to seek out more Ted Mckeever work in the future.

The covers of the series are even more unique. Check out full-color versions at comics.org.

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