Sunday, January 28, 2024

Comix Reading List #11: The Other Sides of Howard Cruse


I have to admit to being turned off by the "bigfoot" style of Howard Cruse in the past, so it was a perfect opportunity to be able to immerse myself in the complete "Barefootz" saga in this book. Appearances are definitely deceiving with this Cruse series, the supporting cast alone is peopled with a nymphomaniac, roach roommates, Lovecraftian monster, and a starving artist. The art is equally surprising with the look of a typical newspaper gag strip, however interspersed throughout is some underground comic worthy surrealism (page 20, 21, 44, 74, 75, 78, 85). There are quite a few other books collecting Howard Cruse's work, but I think this "Barefootz" and miscellaneous strip collection is a good bridge to his more well-known work.

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