1. Midori Onchi collection (taco.shop-pro)
"Midori Onchi Collection of Works "Entrance to Sleep"
Following "Used Book Coast", this is Midori Onchi's second collection of works. This is a compilation of works published in the manga magazine "Gento" and SNS from 2017 to 23, with unpublished works added.
Included works----
My Room Gento No. 14 2017.9
Black Mass Gento No. 15 2019.7
Find a room Gento 16 2020.12
Entrance to Sleep Announced on SNS 2021.4
Tower Kitato Shobo 50th Anniversary Booklet 2022.5
Tamago announced on SNS 2023.1
Child of Fever Unpublished 2023.10
Unpublished 2023.12
4-frame manga announced on SNS 2023.5~11" (store description translated on microsoft bing)
2. COLD HEAT #2 (Copacetic Comics Company)
"Discovered during the move" was this classic alternative genre comic by Frank Santoro and Ben Jones. Issues #3 and #4 also newly available.
3. BABSY AND MAUDE (Domino Books)
Molly Dwyer first solo comic, another talent from Philadelphia.
4. RUINAS (Gatoshop)
Abstract comics by Pachiclon, from Ediciones Hungria in Mexico City.
5. UK ETS ADLI (HE LOVES HER) (Gosh Comics London)
A new (to me, at least) comic from Cole (INDIGENEITY IN COMICS) Pauls.
6. S! #49 (kushkomikks)
The latest KUS! anthology is special in containing no less than EIGHT local Latvian artists. It's also great to discover unfamiliar artists from the U.S. like Walker Tate.
7. I HOPE THIS FINDS YOU #11: OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023 (Radiator Comics)
There are so many diary/autobiographical comics out there (this isn't even the only one on this list), I was impressed with the loose cartooning-style on the samples included with this one.
8. LAMBCHOP LIPGLOSS (Wasted Ink Zine Distro)
Some excellent full-color work by Sam Grant in this one. That cover alone is worth the price of admission.
Mexico City artist Abraham Diaz selected works from 2016-20, old-fashioned magazine-sized Xerox zine. instagram
10. NON BINARY (Little Deer Comics)
Columbus, OH cartoonist Melanie Gillman full-color autobiographical comic.
BONUS: Last week we missed Steven Solomon's new mini announced on bluesky titled: Bones Pulp Mini Comic
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