"1996" by Chantal Montellier was serialized beginning in one of the most well-known magazines of the 70s, HEAVY METAL #1 (April 1977), although unlike Moebius, Druillet, and Corben (all three appeared alongside her in HM #1) she did not go on to become a comic book version of a household name in the U.S.!
"Wonder City"
This book probably won't rectify that oversight entirely, but translator Geoffrey Brock gives Montellier's original vision a better chance to be experienced, at least.
Three graphic novels by Montellier are newly translated and gathered together to great effect. I love the art style very much, but it's the gravity of the stories that really impress here.
Montellier's dystopian vision of the future is now familiar in our everyday lives. Her work is very brutal in depicting a surveillance state that manipulates, controls, and disposes of indiscriminately it's poor, minority, and politically disenfranchised citizens. This last illustration is from a segment of "1996" that is particularly powerful in depicting systemic racism, the final page of the segment is way beyond a shock ending.
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