Tuesday, August 13, 2024

New Alternative and Small Press Comix Arrivals (August Week 2)

1. WIGGLE BIRD MAILING CLUB, August release...
THE PROMO by Revolvoe
Available during August only on the WBMC Patreon

And, we missed DAYDREAM PARADISE by Laszlo Shaak the July zine from WBMC!
2. EIGHT PAGE GIANT by Speed Paste Robot AKA Steven Solomon has arrived! Order your copy here.

3. Thanks to Hal Weaver on bluesky we find a huge backlog of kus! releases...
Pre-orders here for August 29 release of HOW TO HOLD BACK TEARS by Jooyoung Kim.

Sneak peek of new titles coming to Gatoshop August 16. Full coverage next week...

Ignatz Awards voting begins August 15. Nominees list with many alternative cartoonists released. We never expect much from these awards, but the judges list is impressive: Caroline (PEEPEE-POOPOO) Cash, Professor Martha (THE COMICS OF CHRIS WARE, 2010) Kulman, Dawn (LOSTWOOD) Bond, Lawrence (BLACKWARD) Lindell, Kriota (DRAW STRONGER) Wilberg, and Emma (Draw More Comics) Jensen.

Ho Che Anderson new book from Canadian publisher Black Eye Books on Crowdfundr collecting teenage-era comics and drawings...

We bookmarked some items of interest this month on one of the bigger comics news sites...
"Small Press Spotlight: Maamoul Press publish displaced Palestinian zine A NORMAL CONVERSATION IN A NORMAL HOUSEHOLD by Amal El-Nakhala" reported by Dean Simons here
"Graphic Novel Review: SPIRAL AND OTHER STORIES is a masterful collection" review by Steve Baxi here

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