Saturday, June 8, 2024

PHIL ELLIOTT MONTH: Comix Reading List #81: Rodney: The Preminition

 81. RODNEY: THE PREMONITION (Kickstarter) Phil Elliott

I first encountered Phil Elliott's particular brand of genius in early issues of HONK where "Rodney: The Premonition II" made a big impression. A collaboration between him and Eddie Campbell, Rodney is a vicious character with no remorse for his many victims, who is still quite polite about it and somehow sympathetic through his frustrations with humanity. I'm not sure who does what, in any case these early strips are particularly horrifying and ridiculous.

The absurdity levels rise exponentially until this penultimate strip where Rodney gets so fed up with his situation he decides to commit suicide. Him being the last person on earth, you can imagine how that goes.

These strips, the previous WONDERS OF SCIENCE, and THE MAMMY which followed them all appeared in the UK weekly SOUNDS music newspaper ca. 1984-85. Below is the cover of the January 12, 1984 issue of SOUNDS and the comics page (downloaded from here):

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