64. STARTLING STORIES: BANNER 2 (Marvel, 2001) Marvel Unlimited
65. STARTLING STORIES: BANNER 3 (Marvel, 2001) Marvel Unlimited
66. STARTLING STORIES: BANNER 4 (Marvel, 2001) Marvel Unlimited
67. GHOST RIDER 6 (Marvel, 2007) Marvel Unlimited
68. GHOST RIDER 7 (Marvel, 2007) Marvel Unlimited
I had very low expectations going in to these two series, Corben pretty much illustrated other people's stories and characters. However, he doesn't compromise his style in any way (no female nudity, though), and it was fun seeing his interpretations of Doc Samson, Hulk, and Ghost Rider. The stories do give Corben some dark shit to wrap his art around. BANNER sees the titular character attempt suicide, then later Doc Samson attempts to euthanize him (to keep General Ross from lobotomizing Banner). GHOST RIDER has Johnny Blaze fighting the devil and impaling him with a flaming cross!
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