Thursday, August 10, 2023

Broken Frontier in Review Special Report: Small Press Day August 5, 2023

 Small Press Day celebrates (mostly) UK self-publishing cartoonists and small publishers every year, this year events took place online and in person. The event is co-sponsored by Broken Frontier and Andy Oliver with Amneet of Alternative Press. We salute their Herculean efforts, and that of all the store and event workers, for giving the self-publisher a chance to publicize their work.

Last year I live-tweeted the day of the event, but this year it seemed more geared for live events (possibly because of the mass exodus of cartoonists from twitter). Following are some links to artists that posted under the "SmallPressDay" hashtag:

Gareth A. Hopkins

H.L. Roberts


Matt McGrath

Richard Hall

Barry O'Sullivan

Cameron Norbert

Dave Cook

Guy Pradel

Marginal Publishing House

Russell Hillman

Fell Hound

Nick Bryan

David Ziggy Greene

Will O'Mullane

Tiffany Baxter

Giorgio Pandiani

Joe Stone

B.C.H. Comix

Alex Jamieson

Tony Pickering

Claudia Matosa

Mike Armstrong

Rob Jackson

Eli Shockey

Asa Wheatley

Sammy Ward

Rogue Comics (Ireland)

Laurel Lynn Leake

Paul B. Rainey

Douglas Noble

Glass City Comics

Quindrie Press

Gary Moloney

Beatrice Mossman

WIP Comics

Kyle Wright

Snail Legs

Andi Watson

Pink Apple Jam

Matt Garvey

Avery Hill Publishing

William (Wullie) Hazle

Dark Cloud Comic

Chris Manson

Jake Parappa Hainey

Limit Break Comics

Stuart Gipp

Ros Lorimer

Fraser Campbell

Silv Stevenson

Isabel Hatherell

Kev F

Paul Tonner

Black Eye Books

Barry Renshaw

Toria Scribbles

Karl Stephan

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