Sunday, February 5, 2023

Broken Frontier in Review 2/5

Here are the comics reviews from Broken Frontier from the last couple. I do this to keep up with my favorite comics site since I'm not regularly on twitter anymore. 

SENSORY: LIFE ON THE SPECTRUM reviewed by Andy Oliver
Image from Broken Frontier 

This unique anthology started as a month long curating of autistic cartoonists on twitter by Bex Ollerton, one of my most fond memories of the site. It's great to see that labor of love live on from a major publisher.

Buy or order from your LCS or bookstore!

ONCE THERE WAS DANCING reviewed by Andy Oliver 
Image from Broken Frontier 

Periodic reminder from Andy Oliver that we need to read more Sean Azzopardi!

OUR STORIES CARRIED US HERE reviewed by Andy Oliver 
Image from Broken Frontier 

An international anthology of Immigrant stories. One of the co-editors and artists is Tom Kaczynski of Uncivilized Books.

Image from instagram 

A talk with the incredible creator of DADDY and editor of the HELL-HUED horror anthology. I've honestly never heard of anyone's entry into comics being Dame Darcy's MEAT CAKE. I love it!

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