Thursday, December 1, 2022

Ebay Finds: everlovin

everlovin Ebay store (aka Joel Thingvall, I believe) has been selling off an amazing collection. Here's some recent items up for sale or auction...

According to this TCJ article the editors of this 1982 alternative publication were John Holmstrom, JD King, and Bruce Carleton. Seems like Peter Bagge and "Studs Kirby" were in every issue also. I've never seen this for sale, let alone a complete run:
(image from Ebay)

An underground comics zine from the late 80s, Trina, Krystine Kryttre, Dori Seda, Rebecka Wright, Angela Bocage, Georganne Deen, Victor Moscoso are among the contributors:

And, for something completely different some beautiful unpublished (?) work by Dan Spiegle:

There's just about every kind of fanzine represented, here's a classic one (coincidentally focusing on Dan Spiegle):

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